Regular health exams and tests can help find problems before they start. They also can help find problems early, when your chances for treatment and cure are better. By getting the right health services, screenings, and treatments, you are taking steps that help your chances of living a longer, healthier life. The physical exam is an essential part of any doctor's visit. Surprisingly, though, there are no absolutes in a routine physical. A good doctor may be thorough or brief, but he or she will spend time listening to your concerns and providing counseling for your particular needs.

Health checkup
Like many people, you may schedule a yearly checkup or “annual physical” with your health care provider. It usually includes a health history, physical exam, and tests. But healthy people often don't necessarily need annual physicals, and those check-ups can do more harm than good. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being. Eating right, getting exercise and enough sleep is necessary for a good health.


1. Blood glucose:- A disease in which your body fails to produce or efficiently use insulin, is diagnosed by assessing your glucose or blood sugar levels with a blood test or finger-prick test. After the age of 45, you should have your blood sugar screened every three years. However, if you have any of the risk factors, you should start screening at 35, and obviously, if you have any symptoms, get checked straight away. A doctor, clinic and some pharmacies can test your glucose with a simple finger prick. There are other, more sensitive diagnostic tests if your blood sugar levels indicate you may have diabetes.

2. Blood pressure:-  Blood pressure is, quite literally, the pressure of the blood in your circulatory system. It is tested with a simple, non-invasive pressure cuff. Every adult should have an annual blood pressure test. Your doctor or a clinic can perform this test, as will most pharmacies.

Blood pressure

3. Cholesterol:- A high level of LDL cholesterol in the blood increases your risk of heart disease. A simple finger prick will show your overall cholesterol levels, and if these are high, a fasting lipid blood panel will indicate your levels of total cholesterol, LDL (bad cholesterol), HDL (good Cholesterol) and triglycerides (blood fat). The finger prick test should be carried out every five years when you are over 20, and every year for men over 45 and women over 55.

4. Dental check-up:- An assessment of your teeth to ensure that there are no cavities or gum infections. The checkup may include a panel of X-rays. Once or twice a year, depending on the general condition of your teeth.

5. Eye test:- A simple vision exam to test for near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism as well as any other vision-related eyes problemYou should have your eyes tested every two years – but if you have no vision or eye problems, discuss the recommended frequency of checkups with your optometrist.

6. Colorectal cancer screening:- Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer, but if caught early, it is treatable, which is why screening is essential. Screening can include a colonoscopy, during which you are sedated, a barium enema or a stool sample. At the age of 50, and then as recommended by your doctor. Your doctor will send you to a radiographer for the procedure. Consult your doctor about screening if you have blood in your stool, no matter your age. 

7. Skin cancer screening:- A visual examination of any irregular marks on your skin to assess whether they could be cancerous. Some screening centers use a computerized scanning device to create a “mole map” to track any changes. Any suspicious moles will either be removed or biopsied for analysisYou should perform a skin self-examination once a month, and visit a doctor if you discover a mole that changes shape, color or outline, or bleeds.


  • Clinical History:- In clinical Medical history,  contain past and relevant information about your health condition. your doctor will regularly update your medical record for future reference at each health check-up. The medical history, being an account of all medical events and problems of your health has experienced is an important tool in the management.

  • Family History of Disease:- family medical history can identify people with a higher-than-usual chance of having common disorders, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, certain cancers, and diabetes. These complex disorders are influenced by a combination of genetic factors, environmental conditions, and lifestyle choices.
    Medical Check Up

  • Past Medical History:- your doctor will review all your past medications and medical procedures such as surgeries and other diseases.

  • Lifestyle Information:-  your working style, where you work, living conditions at home and work-life balance in general. These little things can have a massive impact on your health.


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